Migration of Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) Instances and S3 Buckets to AWS for Cost Optimization for Glassbeam

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Migration of Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) Instances and S3 Buckets to AWS for Cost Optimization for Glassbeam

Project Overview

This project involved migration of several EC2 Instances and S3 Buckets into the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud platform in accordance with the Migration Acceleration Program(MAP) for realizing Cost Savings. Glassbeam, an innovative leader in the Internet of Things (IoT) analytics industry, required cost optimization to meet its business needs. In collaboration with AWS and Glassbeam, Avahi was tasked with designing and executing a migration strategy that would optimize costs and streamline management processes.

The scope included assessing the current infrastructure, planning the migration, executing the transfer of instances and data, and optimizing the new environment for cost-efficiency with minimal downtime.

Project Overview

This project involved migration of several EC2 Instances and S3 Buckets into the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud platform in accordance with the Migration Acceleration Program(MAP) for realizing Cost Savings. Glassbeam, an innovative leader in the Internet of Things (IoT) analytics industry, required cost optimization to meet its business needs. In collaboration with AWS and Glassbeam, Avahi was tasked with designing and executing a migration strategy that would optimize costs and streamline management processes.

The scope included assessing the current infrastructure, planning the migration, executing the transfer of instances and data, and optimizing the new environment for cost-efficiency with minimal downtime.

The Solution

The solution involved a comprehensive migration plan to transfer EC2 Instances and S3 Buckets to AWS:

Assessment and Planning: Conducted a thorough assessment of the current infrastructure to identify dependencies, requirements, and potential challenges.

Migration Strategy: Developed a detailed migration strategy, including timelines, resource allocation, and risk management plans.

Instance Migration: Utilized Terraform to automate the migration of EC2 Instances, ensuring a seamless transfer with minimal disruption.

S3 Bucket Transfer: Employed AWS DataSync for efficient and secure transfer of large data sets to S3 Buckets.

Security and Compliance: Ensured adherence to security best practices and compliance requirements using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM Roles) and AWS Organizations.

Information Architecture

The information architecture for the migration was designed to ensure efficient data flow and management:

Pre-Migration Assessment: Detailed mapping of existing VMs and data to be migrated, including dependencies and configurations. Considering this, Avahi has thoughtfully prepared documented acceptance criteria.

AWS Infrastructure Setup: Configuration of AWS environments, including VPCs, subnets, security groups, and IAM roles through Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

Migration Phases: Organized the migration into phases to manage workloads and minimize impact on operations. Avahi has developed a comprehensive project plan that divides the migration process into four distinct phases.

Post-Migration Validation: Conducted thorough testing with the Glassbeam team to validate and ensure all services and data were correctly migrated and operational.

Training and Documentation: Provided comprehensive training and documentation to client staff to ensure smooth operation and management of the new environment.

Value Provided

The migration project delivered substantial value to Glassbeam:

Cost Savings: Achieved cost reductions goal by successfully qualifying for the AWS’s MAP Mobilize Program.

Operational Efficiency: Simplified management and operations through centralized deployment through Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

Business Agility: Increased business agility by enabling rapid deployment of new applications and services.


The successful migration of EC2 Instances and S3 Buckets to AWS resulted in significant cost savings and operational improvements for the client. The project demonstrated the value of a well-planned and executed cloud migration strategy, leveraging AWS’s robusttools and services to enhance scalability, performance, and cost-efficiency. By transitioning to AWS, the client was able to streamline their IT operations, improve service reliability, and position themselves for future growth.

Overall, this project highlighted the transformative potential of cloud migration, showcasing how strategic use of AWS services can deliver substantial benefits and drive business success. The client now enjoys a more flexible, efficient, and cost-effective IT infrastructure, supporting their ongoing innovation and competitive advantage.

Redmond, WA
Renewable Energy Equipment Manufacturing
AWS IoT, AWS Lambda, AWS S3